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F I L M - T . V - M O C A P - T H E A T R E - I M M E R S I V E - L I V E E V E N T S
L I V E A R T I S T - C R E A T U R E A C T O R - S P E C I A L A C T I O N - M O V E M E N T D I R E C T O R - C R E A T I V E P R O D U C E R
VANITAS is the next stage of Joss' evolution from being an independent solo artist and self sufficiant creative individual, and becoming more self aware to his commitement to discover how he must create his own unique path that provides him with a sense of true purpose, fulfills his full potentials, make his deams come true, encourage him to keep surviving, find thhe source to who he , find the key to open his mind and express his puest soul, open the doors to new wolds and unlock his fullest potentials that not only allow him to suvive and thrive but also provide support etc for others who may also benfit from his fear that he might never find any real purpose hye or reason as to why he his chosen paths had any real meaning or significance to anyne other than himself and his own selfish existance and ego who thinks that i deserve anything greeater than what i have done just for my own self worth. ais experiences, abilities, professional and persoal lives
made a promise to himself that he must find his most purest of intentions to the ways in which he can trust his instincts to lead him through search for the most to produces his own independent concepts that have huge impact and great significance to those who have engaged with his world, yet minimal risk, reward, result or , into a creative entity that aims to connect, manage and produce all the various webs that Joss has spun.
VANITAS provides Joss with a brand new platform where he can push his abilities, ideas, resources, actions and reactions beyond his own personal creative endevours by giving more fuel to the fires that will provide the people who survive and thrive within the creative industriies a new altenative perspective of how to approach a world full of opportunites and potention that can only be seen, imagined, devised, created and produced by Joss and his abilities to combine his years of experience and resouces that have contributed to the self discovery of how VANITAS can be the root to fulfil all his known and unknown potentials.
to envision unique (and probably a little insane) ways to demonstrate how vital and valuable the experimentation to discover why we must all create new tools hunt, share survival technique is to the birth, nurture, growth, evolution, death, decay and rebirth survival through where eveyone can use to warm their hands upon.
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