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Joss Carter

J O S S  C A R T E R

Contemporary Movement & Performance Artist

Dancer | Actor | Live Artist | Creature | SPACT | Choreographer | Director | Teacher | Coach

Stage | Immersive | T.V. | Film | Motion Capture

contemporary movement & performance coaching






H E A L T H  &  W E L L  B E I N G  |  S T A G E  

I M M E R S I V E  |  T . V .  |  F I L M  |  M O T I O N  C A P T U R E

A V A I L A B L E  F O R


C O N T E M P O R A R Y  M O V E M E N T  & 

P E R F O R M A N C E  C O A C H I N G





"Joss is both insightful and attentive. He unlocks ideas that reside within my body and gives me the confidence and strength to carry them through. This has had a great effect on my live performance, as I am much more relaxed within my body and ready to explore new worlds of movement." - Colin "BANG CROSBY" Burrows, Lead singer "BAD FRACTALS" @bangcrosby // @badfractals


“My coaching session with Joss Carter was immensely beneficial towards my practise as a actor and contemporary dance artist. Joss creates a safe, grounded space to unleash and unlock hidden depths within the psyche as an artist. This process allowed me to expand beyond my emotional and physical extremities within character based and movement combined tasks. 

Within the creative space with Joss he embraces the vulnerability of the human soul allowing the process to be authentic and raw. Working in this bold, playful yet intense way before auditions I had coming up allowed me to sharpen my skill set  and enter into a meditative state of discipline, focus and clarity, being sensitive and aware from within. This allowed me to then enter auditions I had being able to spearhead the tasks at hand with confidence and self belief within my abilities as an artist.

I am deeply grateful to Joss and his generous way of working so deeply with the mind body and soul.”

- Morgan Eliss, 1-1 Contemporary Movement & Performance Coaching Client.









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O N E - O N - O N E  &  G R O U P  B O O K I N G S  |  

S T U D E N T S  |  P R O F E S S I O N A L S | C O M P A N I E S  | 

O R G A N I S A T I O N S  


D A N C E R S  |  A C T O R S  |  L I V E - A R T I S T S  |  C I R C U S  A R T I S T S  | 

 C R E A T U R E  P E R F O R M E R S   |  M O T I O N  &  P E R F O R M A N C E 

C A P T U R E  A R T I S T S  |  S P A C T  &  S T U N T  P E R F O R M E R S 

P U P P E T E E R S  |  D I R E C T O R S  |  C H O R E O G R A P H E R S  |  T E A C H E R S  

 |  M A R T I A L  A R T I S T S  |  M U S I C I A N S  |  M O D E L S  |  W R I T E R S  |  P A I N T E R S

T O  S U P P O R T  &  A S S I S T

H E A L T H  &  W E L L B E I N G  |  T E C H N I Q U E  |   P H Y S I C A L I T Y  | 

P S Y C O L O G Y  |  C H A R A C T E R  D E V E L O P M E N T  |  A U D I T I O N S  |  C A S T I N G S  |  S E L F  T A P E S  |  R  &  D  |  E X P E R I M E N T S 

R E H E A R S A L S  |  C R E A T I O N S  |   C O N C E P T S  |  P R O D U C T I O N S 


• Private sessions tailored to your own specific needs and requirements. 

• Book in, or around your own schedule.

• Secured by contract, Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) & Data Protection Act.

• Director or choreographer? Research, Develop and nourish your casting roles & artists.

• Delve deep into Joss' radical 'FLESH & BONE INTERROGATIONS' methodology.

• Create and develop your own personal training system.

• Master your craft and pursue artistic freedom of choice.

• Build confidence in new skills and re-establish the old.

• Director or choreographer? Research, Develop and support your casting roles & selected artists by offering a company session or on site/set mentor.

• *Available to travel.* 

• Available to come and see you perform* (Pre & Post analysis)

• Feel safe and encouraged with an inclusive, friendly, trustworthy skilled mentor.

• Covered by Equity Public Liability Insurance.

• DBS checked 

• *Terms & Conditions apply*

S E S S I O N  P R I C I N G

1  S E S S I O N -£80 (2 hrs)

2  SE S S I O N S -£150 (4 hrs)

3  SE S S I O N S - £220 (6 hrs)

4  S E S S I O N S - £280 (8 hrs )

5  SE S S I O N S -£350 (10 hrs)


1  F U L L  D A Y  S E S S I O N  -  £350 (8 hours)

2  F U L L  D A Y  S E S S I O N S -  £580 (16 hours)

3  F U L L  D A Y  S E S S I O N S  -  £850 (24 hours)

4  F U L L  D A Y  S E S S I O N S -  £1000 (32 hours)

5  F U L L  D A Y   S E S S I O N S  -  £1150 (40 hours)


!!! B U Y  5  S E S S I O N S  - 

G E T  1  S E S S I O N  F R E E !!!

• Sessions can be divided or combined to suit your needs & schedule.

(i.e. 5 sessions could =  3 x 2 hr  sessions and 1 x 4 hour session)

 Available for 1-on-1 and groups 

• Split the costs with friends/peers/colleagues with group bookings.

• Includes a ‘personal & creative information requirements form’ (PCIRF) and a 30 minute pre consultation via Skype/Zoom to tailor the specific needs of your session.

• 10% discount for Students, Equity, & Spotlight members and organisations.*

• Recorded video footage available upon request at no extra charge.

• All sessions will be secured under contract and Non-Discloasure Agreement (NDA)*

• Safe and Secure payment via PayPal


• *Terms & Conditions apply* 

K5  S T U D I O  |  O T H E R  S T U D I O S  &  R E H E A R S A L  R O O M S  |

  S T A G E  |  O N  S E T  &  L O C A T I O N  |  O U T D O O R

  P A R K S  &  O T H E R  O U T D O O R  R E C R E A T I O N A L  S P A C E S

 |  N A T U R A L  &  U R B A N  L A N D S C A P E S




D E C E M B E R  O F F E R

1  S E S S I O N -£50 (2 hrs)


Offer applies for the purchase of individual use AND/OR as a


for xmas.

December Offer expires 31.12.2023

Valid from: 01.01.2024

Must be redeemed by: 01.01.2025

S E S S I O N  P R I C I N G




B O O K I N G  A  S E S S I O N

• For Booking enquiries please either use the form below or email

•All new bookings and clients are asked to fill out and sign a ‘personal & creative information requirements form’ and take part in a 30 minute Skype/Zoom consultation to discuss and confirm the sessions requirements and tailor the clients individual needs.  All informations shared will be treated as CONFIDENTIAL and HIGHLY SENSITIVE and WILL NOT be publicly or privately shared under the rules, guidance and agreement of the Data Protection Act 2018 and any other Non-Disclosure agreements made between the Joss Carter (The Facilitator) & You (The Client).

• All bookings will be 100% confirmed and secured upon payment of invoice via PayPal

• Sessions may be rescheduled within 12 hours notice. No refunds for cancellations or no shows. 

• Please read the Session, Booking, Payment, Rescheduling, Cancellation & Refund policies below for more information. 

• WANT ME TO SEE YOU PERFORM LIVE? - If you are currently working within a production and want me to come see you perform before the session, you are required to organise a complimentary ticket. Sessions must already have been booked in advance and performances must be within Greater London unless otherwise agreed. 

• Please note that due to the nature of Joss' profession appointments may have to be rescheduled no later than 36 hours before confirmed session.

If it is impossible to reschedule then a 100% refund will be given. 

G E N E R A L  H E A L T H  &  S A F T E Y  P R C E D U R E S  &  R E Q U I R E M E NT S


• Joss is covered by Equity’s Public Liability Insurance and is DBS checked.

• You will be required to give a full and honest medical/injury history in the 'Personal & Creative Information Requirements Form’ (PCIRF) which is will be secured by the Data Protection Act.


•K5 Studio is a 15 min walk from both Manor House & Seven Sisters Tube lines & Haringey Green Lanes Overground, plus many bus routes close by. 

• Any other locations have to be agreed upon first by both "The Client" & "The Facilitator" and will have to be safety checked and secured before the session begins. 

• Any sessions and/or locations located outside of Greater London must be a minimum of 3 hours per visit and may incur additional travel & accommodation costs depending on the nature of the session visit. European & International bookings are subject to further travel costs and requirements.


• Within in Greater London Travel via bicycle/public transport/private vehicle to meet you at the chosen location.

• Any session that it outside of Greater London and requires studio space must be arranged and paid for by "The Client."

It is recommended that "The Client" uses K5 Studio free of charge.

C L I E N T S   R E Q U I R E M E N T S

• Wear suitable clothing and footwear for movement outdoors and and also clothing that you don’t mind getting dirty/damaged if outside. Bring suitable/protective clothing against ever changing weather conditions. Please note that sessions will take place no matter the weather unless 12 hours notice is given to reschedule by the client unless in extreme conditions and agreed upon by all parties involved. Protective equipment sch as knee pads are also advised.


• Bring a plentiful personal supply of water and food.

• If outdoors, be prepared for the seasons and the weather conditions that day.

• Please be on time, or 15 mins early as to allow time for set up.

• If outside, public toilets may be unavailable. Please make sure to go to the toilet before the session. 

S E S S I O N S ,  B O O K I N G S ,  P A Y M E N T S ,  R E S C H E D U L I N G S ,  C A N C E L L A T I O N S  &  R E F U N D S


• Sessions can be rescheduled up to 24 hours before the agreed upon time and date due to weather, personal matters or any other unforeseen circumstances. (subject to availability) Another Location may be sourced if available but this would incur addition fees for hire of space.


• All sessions not rescheduled 24 hours prior will continue to go ahead regardless of weather conditions. If the client does not show up on the agreed upon date/time there will be no refund. 


• It is advised that you reschedule your booking rather than cancel as at this time all cancelled sessions will not be refunded. Sorry.


• Sessions will start and finish on time. It is recommended to arrive 15/30 mins before the agreed upon time and location to allow for meet and greet, and finding/preparing location and body.


• Sessions will be officially documented via film recording. You (The Client) have the right to decline this option at any time. Any and all official footage recorded will be sent to the Client for private/public use. Any and all official footage recorded and used by Joss Carter (The Facilitator) for the purposes of publicity via social media platforms and website etc will need permission by the Client before use. 

• All payments will occur AFTER the pre consultation. You (The Client) have the right to choose whether you want to continue going ahead with the session agreed up or kindly refuse up to 72 hours after the invoice have been sent. Once payment has been made you are committed to after the fact. 

• All invoices and payments will be sent and received via Paypal. Invoices will be sent within 24 hours of session consultation. Payments must be made within 72 hours of receiving invoice to finalise and secure session confirmation. 

• You will receive a text/email reminder notification of your session 72 hours before your session.

• Discounts only available with valid student I.D, and Equity/Spotlight memberships

* T E R M S  &  C O N D I T I O N S *

M A K E  AN  E N Q U I R Y 


B O O K  N O W





"With over 10 years of professional experience performing, touring, teaching and creating in the vast fields of the performing arts on an international scale Joss has gained a wide range of skills, experience and knowledge within education, stage, immersive, T.V and film in which he wants to offer his support to other artists and practitioners in order for YOU to develop your own working practises, forward your career, and strengthen you health & well being.

From building confidence in new physicality's, preparing for auditions and castings, build on current working roles, enhancing flexibility, self discipline, stamina, body conditioning and injury prevention, researching and developing casting roles and safe guarding, Joss will provide personal direction and tailored sessions for one-on-one and groups to suit the individual and/or group needs and requirements in and around your schedule to  master your craft and pursue artistic freedom, creativity and choice. 


With a preliminary ‘Personal & Creative Information Requirements Form’ (PCIRF), pre session consultations, and working with an inclusive, friendly, trustworthy mentor you can feel confident that you will be coached with a safe practitioner/facilitator, and encouraged in developing your own unique being to reach your own desired needs and goals. 

It is VERY important to mention that these are NOT life coaching sessions. The sessions are constructed to aide your movement, performance and development within the performing arts industries. What you gain from these sessions is up to you how you transfer them into your every day lives and visa versa.

Regardless of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the demand of being an artist and being required to be as versatile as possible is as high as it has ever been. Joss has developed this service because he believes that all artists need to feel that someone has their back and can give personal and direct guidance and confidence in to taking them to the next levels of their career development.


Whether you are a performer, movement practitioner, choreographer or director, what ever your needs, Joss will be fully committed in making sure you succeed in any way you see he can be of service in the safest most efficient way possible. So, get you back on your feet and into your mind, body, soul, flesh & Bones. 

Learn more about Joss and his practise

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